H2Shroom Fruiting Tank
How to use and set up all 3 teks for this grow kit.

Step 1:
Get your grain ready to start growing mycelium! Remove needle from wrapper and place onto the syringe. Wipe your injection port with any ISO alcohol you have available.
Step 2:
Now Inject into your port. Shake your grain to spread the solution around. Place your grain into a dark spot. You’ll start to see white spots growing in in a few days. (this is a good sign)
Step 3:
When the grain has turned completely white (7-14 days, may be longer), then it is time to go to fruiting conditions. At this point you have a few ways to grow your fruits:
- Fruit Off Block (Grain Only)
- Mix with Your Denver Dirt Substrate (Bulk grow, highest yeild)
- Cut the Tops off of Your All In One Bags and Place Rubber Band Below the Injection Port. Place Both All in One Bags Directly Into the Tank
Step 4:
Grab your H2Shroom tub growing chamber and set it up for growing. Your going to want to clean the chamber really well with ISO alcohol (70%-99%). Decide where to put your side “intake plug” (white round plug with the x). Either side will work, it’s your choice.
Step 5:
Take The top 2 holes on the lid are recommended for your digital meter wire, you can also decide to use your “intake plug” for your air flow (tube from humidifier).
Step 6:
After you have selected your spot to place your chamber and grow, use the included scalpel to cut the “x” on the white plugs and feed your wires for humidity reader and then cut another white plug and feed your humidifier tube through. Now place the included filter patches over any remaining open holes not used for the humidifier tube or humidity reader wires. Now fill your humidifier and place the entire system with chamber in your desired growing spot. The growing spot should receive 12 hours on and 12 hours off of indirect sunlight or artificial lighting. Baby mushrooms called pins will appear 10-14 days after light and air flow start.
Step 7:
Plug your humidifier into your included cycle timer. Here is how it works:
TOP: Minutes On/ 1-30min
BOTTOM: How Often/Every Hour
Step 8:
We recommend to set your cycle timer once an hour, for 1-3 minutes to start. We encourage you to test and adjust your settings to get your desired growth!
Step 9:
You If you get water build up use the drainage hote to empty any standing water or to reduce humidity.
Step 10:
Once fruits are mature, harvest your grow. We recommend watching for the veil drop and harvesting before spores drop.